My bicycling (and unicycling!) adventures

I reconnected with bicycling, after my move to Sweden in 2013, and started riding longer distances in 2014. I rode my first self-supported 'brevet' in 2015, and earned my first Super Randonneur qualification in 2016. I've ridden and completed the Vätternrundan 300 km ride five times (2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2019) and the Halvvättern 150 km twice (2014, 2016), apart from multiple randonneuring rides and other 'motionslopp' rides in Sweden, including the 90 km MTB event, Cykel Vasan. My first foray into ultra distance endurance bicycling was in June 2017, when I participated in the Trans Am Bike Race, and rode 3095 of the 6800 kilometer course, in 21 days. I began unicycling in the summer of 2018, and I enjoy learning tricks on my 20" club freestyle unicycle, and ride longer distances on my 36-er Nimbus Nightfox.

Outdoor practice on the 36-er

April 22, 2020

Earlier this week, I practiced for a bit on my 36-er, practicing both assisted mounts and riding around, as it’d been a while since I’d ridden it.

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Skill tree while learning to unicycle

April 14, 2020

The process of learning to unicycle can be split into several milestone moments, moments when you realize you’ve leveled up. These moments also give you an opportunity to evaluate your own progress, and help to plan the future course. During my own journey, I identified these steps

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Learning to idle on the unicycle

May 12, 2019

Did some more unicycling in the last couple of days. In a first, I tried unicycling on grass and gravel, and the transition was interesting. Riding on the gravel, I could feel the tire interacting with every pebble and stick that I rolled on. The tire also grips so much more, due to it sinking a bit more into soft gravel, when compared to unyielding concrete, so I found myself being hyper-aware of the contours on the surface, and also how the unicycle responded to each one of my inputs. The whole session was very satisfying, and made me want to try and learn something new, like idling on a unicycle.

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First unicycling outing in 2019

February 10, 2019

The weekend was quite warm, with temperatures staying above freezing for the most part. Most of the snow had melted away, and most of the water too had evaporated, leaving clean asphalt. I’d been thinking of going out to do some unicycling for a couple of weeks now, but the weather conditions hadn’t been favorable; this weekend though was looking just perfect.

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36-er,  allan-duhm,  astoria,  bliss-in-the-hills,  brevet,  climbing,  coburg,  dbr,  descending,  eric-fishbein,  fixie,  gibran,  highway-hypnosis,  idling,  india,  mckenzie-pass,  nathan-jones,  portland,  redmond,  routes,  shruti,  sisters,  stats,  studded-tires,  tabr,  tabr2017,  thomas-camero,  transam,  tricks,  uni-milestones,  unicycling