My bicycling (and unicycling!) adventures

I reconnected with bicycling, after my move to Sweden in 2013, and started riding longer distances in 2014. I rode my first self-supported 'brevet' in 2015, and earned my first Super Randonneur qualification in 2016. I've ridden and completed the Vätternrundan 300 km ride five times (2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2019) and the Halvvättern 150 km twice (2014, 2016), apart from multiple randonneuring rides and other 'motionslopp' rides in Sweden, including the 90 km MTB event, Cykel Vasan. My first foray into ultra distance endurance bicycling was in June 2017, when I participated in the Trans Am Bike Race, and rode 3095 of the 6800 kilometer course, in 21 days. I began unicycling in the summer of 2018, and I enjoy learning tricks on my 20" club freestyle unicycle, and ride longer distances on my 36-er Nimbus Nightfox.

Stretching my legs on the 36-er

May 3, 2020

Yesterday, the weather was perfect for an outdoor ride; 14°C and only a light breeze, so I took the 36-er for a ride. I’m now trying to find bike paths with few or no pedestrians and other cycles so I can gain more confidence riding longer distances, so I’d decided to hit Tornbyvägen and try and ride onto Bergsvägen. Bergsvägen is super nice, with long stretches unbroken by crossings or intersections, and with the exception of the odd fully kitted out bicyclist on a road-bike perhaps doing a high speed ride around Lake Roxen, it has few people on it. Tornbyvägen too has relatively long and straight stretches, interrupted only by a few traffic lights, where the bike path crosses the main streets.

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Unicycling milestones

April 30, 2020

This post is to document the various milestones I achieve/plan on achieving, on a unicycle. When I complete these, I’ll strike them out and update with the date I completed them.

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Practicing commute riding on the 36-er

April 30, 2020

For the last couple of days, I’ve been practicing riding in real-world conditions, on the 36-er, in a bid to get more confidence while riding outside, and also get mentally prepared and acclimatized to the challenges of commuting on a unicycle, which has been my goal for a while. While it’s nice to practice on a vacant parking lot or a basketball court while getting started out, it’s important to get used to the real-world conditions as soon as possible. Dealing with imperfect roads, handling surface transitions (dirt to asphalt, asphalt to cobblestone, etc), dealing with changeable winds, biking around obstactles etc are all a part of the real-world experience, and the sooner we get good at it, the better.

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The 'Chengi Century' explained

April 30, 2020

I rode TABR in 2017; in 2018, I joined the ranks of the keen dot-watchers, the likes of Ron Nelson and Tony “Grmaa-pa” Shawley in absorbing the TABR action. My fellow TABR veterans from 2017 such as David Gates and Peter Andersen were riding again, and I was also keenly tracking some other riders I’d found interesting, such as Nishanth Iyengar and Louis-Eric Simard. I’d see how many hours each logged on their saddle per day, the stop options that were available to them on their route, and most importantly, the amount of climbing they had to do on the path ahead. For the last, i.e. calculating the climbing work ahead of the riders, I wrote a python script called which is available on my git repo here. Using this tool, and the official ridewithgps track for TABR 2018, I was able to get the amount of climbing in meters, when I keyed in the start and end points on the track.

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Switching to longer cranks on the 36-er

April 24, 2020

One tip to many riders new to riding on 36-er unicycles is to switch to cranks longer than the stock cranks, which on a 36-er like the Nimbus Nightfox, is 138 mm. I’d ordered 150 mm cranks which had been delivered along with my 36-er, back in 2016, but after some initial practice, I’d returned to the shorter cranks, as they were the better choice back then as I was trying to learn to free-mount. Free-mouting with the longer cranks was harder as I had to step just a tad higher, to successfully get my foot atop the longer crank, and I wasn’t very comfortable with that.

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36-er,  allan-duhm,  astoria,  bliss-in-the-hills,  brevet,  climbing,  coburg,  dbr,  descending,  eric-fishbein,  fixie,  gibran,  highway-hypnosis,  idling,  india,  mckenzie-pass,  nathan-jones,  portland,  redmond,  routes,  shruti,  sisters,  stats,  studded-tires,  tabr,  tabr2017,  thomas-camero,  transam,  tricks,  uni-milestones,  unicycling