Gowri Habba
Today was Gowri Habba, i.e. the day Goddess Gowri aka Parvati, is worshipped. Here’s the wiki page for the festival. Gowri is the mother of Lord Ganesha, and the festivals of Gowri and Ganesha are celebrated on consecutive days. Ganesh Chuturthi or Ganesha Habba (habba in Kannada means festival) is celebrated across the length and breadth of India (and by expats abroad!), while Gowri habba is more prevalent in the southern part of India.
A visit to Lake Roxen, with the wife
The wife arrived here, late on the 21st of August, and I’d been thinking of taking her to the Lake Roxen ever since. Yesterday, the weather wasn’t too warm, but it was bright enough. She hadn’t ridden a bike in several years, and was concerned about gears as she’d never ridden a bike with gears, but I told her that the day’s ride was the perfect opportunity to get used to them, so off we went!
Crossposting to LJ
I joined lj in January of 2007, after what’s now refered to in our circles as the great LJ exodus; many had left, but many were still around. Even back then, it seemed clunkier than blogger, but the community was certainly more thriving. Over the years, I’ve blogged on and off, and had even been thinking about moving to my own server and domain for a while, but that hadn’t quite taken off, until recently. I started blogging at pchengi.com earlier this month, and was looking for means to migrate my lj posts there, and setup an automated crossposting system. I came across ljcharm
Happy Independence Day!
And we were wed!
‘A lot could happen over a cup of coffee’ goes the slogan of a coffee house in India, and I guess it did :) After years of being subject to nagging from my parents, I decided to get married. Now since I hadn’t been successful in falling in love with anyone and convincing her to marry me, I had to fall back upon the dreaded “arranged marriage”!
Arranged marriage, in India, is for the most part like fishing in or getting fished in, a gold-fish bowl;