First unicycling outing in 2019

February 10, 2019

The weekend was quite warm, with temperatures staying above freezing for the most part. Most of the snow had melted away, and most of the water too had evaporated, leaving clean asphalt. I’d been thinking of going out to do some unicycling for a couple of weeks now, but the weather conditions hadn’t been favorable; this weekend though was looking just perfect.

I’d not done any riding since last August, so I wondered how it would go. After a couple of attempts, I realized that apart from having lost some physical conditioning, I was going to be okay. After a few fumbled attempts, I got it going. I went back indoors again, to fetch my wife, who’d never seen me riding in person. Last year, when I’d been out on the rides, she’d been in India; though she’d heard me describe every bit of the learning process in excrutiating levels of detail, and watched videos I’d shot of myself, this was going to be the first time she’d see me riding, in person! She was perhaps more excited than I was, and I was just happy I didn’t wipe out! I worked up so much heat after a few minutes of riding that I actually had to get rid of my cap.

After a few fun laps, the muscles in the leg started to complain, so we decided to drop the uni off, and go on a small walk to stretch the legs a bit. It was a very enjoyable outing indeed. Need to do more riding this week, if the weather permits.