Some serendipitous shots

January 6, 2015

Thanks to my jet lag, I've been struggling to sleep properly. This morning, even as I was wondering whether I should stay in bed or get out of it, I saw some wonderfully colored clouds and sunshine through my window blinds. I grabbed my camera and stepped out and got a few shots of light refracted through the clouds. Nope, it wasn't sunrise or anything. The skies looked fantastically lit up.


The silhouttes were really beautiful. P1060495

I got on my bike and rode eastward, hoping to get lucky with a glimpse of the sun itself, but that was not to be. Instead, I spotted some kind of tower that I'm yet to positively identify, at the edge of the horizon.


As I rode back, the spectacular colors in the sky had completely disappeared, leaving behind only dull and gloomy clouds. It was almost as if the whole show of colors had never occurred, but I smiled to myself, content in the knowledge that I'd not only witnessed something beautiful but had also managed to capture it for posterity, while it lasted.</span>