Fun with LaTeX
LaTeX (pronounced lay-tech) is a document preparation system written by Leslie Lamport, which works on top of Donald Knuth's Tex (pronounced tech) system. To a large extent, it is used by research scholars to typeset technical publications. Over the years, various tools/classes/templates have been created which allow the usage of LaTeX to achieve specific needs. 'Memoir' is a LaTeX class which can be used to typeset books while 'Beamer' allows one to create wonderful presentation slides. I've been experimenting with LaTeX for a little over a year now and have come to realize that it is exceptionally powerful. While the learning curve is a tad steep, it makes it possible to accomplish just about anything that can be desired, when it comes to document preparation. I quickly realized that LaTeX can be used to do a lot more than create books and presentations. Here are a few greeting cards that I made using LaTeX and a 'newspaper article' :)