lj apps for Android

September 25, 2011

hmm.. I see more than one app on the Android market, for an lj app.  I made the previous post with a third-party app which seemed to be more popular that the official livejournal app, but then, I thought I’d give the official version a try too, and here are my thoughts. I feel that the other app, by a company called Sensical, is a lit faster at loading, but is also a good deal lighter when it comes to features.    The official version seems to have all features or at least almost all features offered by lj.  You can choose the profile pic to be used, your mood, location, song.. blah blah..you can also use lj cuts, reference fellow ljers… the works, but I suppose if all that you wanted was to put up a quick update, the app by sensical seems to make more sense. Any other mobile ljers out there? If so, what app do you use and what are your thoughts about it?Posted via LiveJournal app for Android.