Star gazing

September 23, 2011

Nicholas Cage plays the role of Castor Troy and has a younger brother called Pollux, in the movie Face/Off. Until today, I didn’t know that the characters were actually named after stars, the two stars that seem near to the moon, and this I got to know thanks to Google Sky Map, which is now installed on my new Android phone.  When I asked around for popular Android applications, one of the most recommended apps was Google Sky Maps. Intrigued, I proceeded to install it and have since then done a fair bit of star spotting with it. Here’s how it works: if you have a gps enabled device such as a tablet or a smart phone, Google’s Sky Map program fetches your geographical position from gps, accurate to within three metres. It the calculates the angle at which you are holding your device of choice. Based on those parameters, it then proceeds to render the positions and names of various celestial bodies, and it is surprisingly accurate!  The weather was rather overcast on the day I installed the app on my phone. Despite the cloud cover, I was able to spot a rather unusually bright ‘star’(it turned out to the planet Jupiter). Early this morning however, the sky was perfectly clear and I could see a great many stars. With Sky maps, I was able to identify the aforementioned Castor and Pollux, Sirius, Betelguese, Rigel…It was a lot of fun!