New phone

September 18, 2011

Wow! The last time I was quite so excited was when dad presented me an ipod! I don’t exactly remember how excited I was when I last bought a mobile phone. It was a little over five years ago and the phone was a Nokia 6630, a phone which has served me very well. So well in fact that I’d grown rather fond of it.

However, after sustaining hundreds of falls and countless hard knocks, its internal antenna had started showing signs of senility. It was time to give the old trusty phone a well deserved retirement, but when it came to choosing a replacement, there were more questions than answers.
While my budget was rather self indulgent (I convinced myself that I somehow deserved it!), the choices were still rather confusing. On one hand my last extreme6ly positive experience with Nokia tilted me towards a newer Nokia, while on the other hand were my friends’ recommendations to go the Android way. After much dithering and lots of googling, I was still no closer to making a final decision, at least before yesterday. Last night, however, I happened to actually hold a real, working HTC Salsa in my hands, and right then and there I knew that I’d found the successor to my old trusty Nokia!

It’s been some six hours now since I bought it and I’m still as giddy as a kid after his first rollercoaster ride! The changes between my old phone and this one are so many, but it has been all enjoyable so far! I guess you can expect another post or two about this latest acquisition of mine, sometime soon. Oh, Deepa, if you are reading this, it might interest you that this phone has an entire button dedicated to Facebook! I’m not really sure whether that button will see much use on my phone, but then, who knows ? ;)