Hearbreak diaries - Not

January 22, 2011

A rather lame gimmick to attract attention no,with the  title of a post containing heartbreak diaries? However, this post is not going to be anything about heartbreak, for I’m not heartbroken.  Truth be told, I’ve been in too much of a daze induced haze to feel much of pain.  The fact that my examinations came up at a convenient time (or inconvenient, depending on point of view) meant that I had virtually no time to even reflect, gather my thoughts, scattered emotions or anything else before plunging headfirst into the rigmarole of preparing for an examination.  For the record, it’s the examinations of my fifth semester of MCA, with one more semester separating me from a degree that I’m only acquiring to claim that I’m possess a masters degree.  Did my knowledge improve due to my taking up or attempting to finish this degree?  I guess not, but then, I was pretty sure from the word go that gathering knowledge was not what I was looking to accomplish when I signed up for the degree.  There have been way too many examinations that I have not taken with any degree of seriousness and I had no intention of adding the examinations of this course to that list but then,  I guess I have a problem with working on things that do not seem to interest me.   Or it’s a damn intelligent excuse to avoid having to study, and I’m so convinced by the lie of the excuse that I’ve begun to believe it myself.  Either ways,  I don’t seem to be able to take these exams too seriously.   The fact that I seem to be able to clear (I have been able to clear so far) these exams with a little over a few dozen hours of ‘study’ seems to trivialize the whole exercise further.   To give a new take to a Groucho Marxism,  I should probably not be signing up for degrees that even I can pass with ease! 

I’m done with three of these farcical exams and I have two more coming up: tomorrow and the day after.   
Considering that I used the word heartbreak in the subject of this post,  a few updates on the relationship front is required.  
I’m well on the way to recovering from whatever pain that I went through.   I had a couple of epiphanies that helped me realize the futility of trying to flog a dead horse, to use a cliche, and I’m much better off now.  I’m really glad that I have the kind of friends that I do.   [info]deponti   of course deserves special mention.  I’m so glad I ever met you.   You are a rock.  

 One of my other lj friends has found what appears to be lasting bliss relationshipwise and I hope things turn out golden for her.  I don’t name her here because I leave it to her to make her own announcements, as and when she deems fit.   I would just like to say that I’m very happy for her.  
I’m going to wrap up this rather oblique post to grab dinner and get back to the preparation for the farcical exam tomorrow.  To all my friends,  each and everyone of you is irreplaceable.  I owe you a lot more than you can imagine. Though I hope that you never have to go through any tough times, if you ever do,  I hope to be there for you as you have been for me.  Peace!