My blog gets a new name

November 23, 2009

[info]the_little_sasi was the person who urged me and many of my batchmates at NCST to start blogging, and in particular ljing , so it’s sad to hear from him that he has ‘retired’ from lj. I certainly hope it’s only a sabbattical, but with Sasi sir, you can never really hope for things like that. He’s usual pretty final about things he says he’s final about. also says he’s done his last lj post and again, I hope he will reconsider. At times like these, when you usually start reconsidering whether you yourself ought to continue on or just hang up those creative ‘boots’, an incident at the breakfast table this morning gave me a new name for my blog, one that seemed apt and witty. I was discussing the advantages and disadvantages of a project proposal with a colleague when I uttered ‘Pros and Crons’ instead of pros and cons, a mistake that evaded my friend’s attention but not my own. I had a hearty laugh and told him that I now knew, after more than two years, what I wanted to name my blog. That incident and a conversation with my usually immovable and enigmatic boss later, here it is, my few known readers and (hopefully) many unknown readers, the new name of my blog: Prose and Crons -A sysadmin+writer’s journal about things geeky and not. For the benefit of my non-techie readers, crons or cron scripts are a Unix/Linux user/administrators way of achieiving order in chaos, a magical way of ensuring that system related tasks just happen on time, whether you are around or not, as long as your machine is running. I wish I could write cron scritps for my life!

My blog’s new name is probably just the change of taste that I wanted, and I hope to keep going on and on, with a renewed appetite. Onwards!