Catching up with thoughts
I have a friend of mine (<div class="ljuser">prajnahegde</div>) who is often at a loss as to what to write in her blog, though she is otherwise full of thoughts. It used to be that way for me too, but not anymore. Once you get out of that phase wherein you really look around for something ‘blogworthy’ to blog about, blog-posts keep rolling by. Did anybody say ‘What about quality?’ My answer? What about it? Does it even matter? When I started writing my first blog , I just wanted it to be a private blog, not for others to read, but as I started to blog and go through the blogs of others, I felt that it would be a good idea to share it with others. Whether others read it or not, it still doesn’t have any effect on my writing as I write what pleases me, but in case somebody does like it, it’s nice, isn’t it? I get inspired by other bloggers and if somebody likes my writing, it’s just passing it forward. The following blog is what originally started as a comment on a blog post of a friend (<div class="ljuser">
Women are not the only set of people who are mysterious and unpredictable. Men are so too.
I have had my share of relationships that did not work out and I have come to realize a few things about women (and us men), thanks to these relationships (Probably the only positive thing to come out of them!)
1) If there is something that women don’t want to talk about for whatever reason best known to them, they will not talk about it, no matter who you are and how necessary you feel that they share it with you.
2) They have a style of logic that men have a lot of trouble comprehending, so they believe that it is better kept as a secret from us men!
3) Every itsy-bitsy thing (itsy-bitsy thing for us men!) is part of a plan for them!
4) Nothing is simple and straight forward. They are firm believers in ‘The Butterfly Effect’ and actually behave in ways that seem to be purely illogical to us men, but again, their actions are just pieces of a huge jig-saw puzzle that we are not even aware of!!
There is a lot more, but this post is just a gist. Similarly, I have analysed my own behaviour (and that of my friends) when I was/ they were into those failed relationships and have come to the following conclusions.
1) Most men have a tendency to incorrectly estimate the level of maturity of their loved one. While many under-estimate it, a surprisingly high number actually over-estimate it. The percentage of men who get it bang on target is 0 to 0.5 in my opinion!
2) More men are inclined towards commitments and stable relationships than women tend to believe.
3) Men are the weaker sex, when it comes to emotions. (Yeah, this is THE TRUTH! I have seen my friends go to pieces over broken relationships while their exes have been happily going about their shopping and normal activities with more cheer than ever!)
4) Extention of the previous point: Men take a much longer time than women, to nurse a broken-heart.
5) Men attach the success of a relationship more strongly to their egos than women do. This is probably the reason why a man broods over a broken relationship, even if the woman was a terrible companion!