A warm welcome to Rajesh Agroya aka The Numero Uno NCSTian, into world of LJ
Ever since I found livejournal, I have lost almost all interest in other social networking sites. It’s been a while since I updated my other blog too. I had not logged into my orkut account ever since it was banned at NCST (barring the couple of times I asked my friends who were logged in through proxies to show me my scrapbook! - not a holier-than-thou thingy or whatever.. I had begun to lose interest even before it got banned) and out here at NPSF, though there is no such ban in place, there is simple no interest to do so. I logged in a couple of days back and found that most of my ‘friends’ on orkut too had got bored of sending me scraps and not receiving any in return and had stopped doing so altogether! Good for me, I thought! Anyway, I did update the info about me with my blog url and a message saying that I can be reached on my blog. Others keep sending me invites to jhoos, hikut, hi5, yaari, facebook and God alone knows whatever else, but I’ve had enough of all their kind. If you have seen one, you have seen them all!
For person to person communication, there is such a thing as email (which most of my friends seem to use only to send stale forwards of forwards of forwarded mails) and if there is something much more important and urgent, there is always the phone! For everything else, there is LJ! How I wish the others start ljing too! Ankit Dangi (<div class="ljuser">dangiankit</div> ) is one guy who is very much in touch through the blogosphere and today, I got a friend invite from Rajesh Agroya aka The Numero Uno NCSTian (<div class="ljuser">
rajeshagroya1</div>). Welcome to LJ, Rajesh! I miss you man, and our late night walks to grab boiled eggs, the times we spent in the lab…. I see that you have not yet started your journal, but once you start off, there is no looking back! This is the place to be!