Navigating across the confusing world of LJ - Help required

January 3, 2007

Its been three days since I became a member of the LJ family, but to say that I’m very confused would be an understatement!!! The whole layout looks so busy with popups/adbars right left and centre (well, I’m exaggerating a bit, but that’s how it feels), a goat on my page that says baaaa (what’s that for and who is Frank, anyway??! Is he some sort of hot-shot at LJ?) The blog or the actual journal seems to be an additional feature here rather than the central one! I’m also having tons and tons of trouble changing my settings. I get a wierd error message saying “Zero sized reply. No response from the url” or some thing similar. When I randomly change a few fields (options I require), it either accepts the changed(?) settings or keeps throwing the same page over and over again, right back at me till I get frustrated and give up! Any tips?