Site warming :)

August 10, 2017

My site is now at the point where I’m reasonably happy with it. I might still tinker with things, but that’ll likely be an ongoinging affair. It’s however at a point where it’s ready for actual posts, instead of lorem ipsums!

The template for this blog is derived from Barry Clark’s Jekyll-Now template. In order to set it up afresh, you can follow the excellent documentation, and also see the demo of the Jekyll-Now site here. The same site also has a Markdown style guide, for reference.

Barry’s code was an excellent starting point, and it was almost everything I needed. The only things I felt like adding on top of this was a tag cloud, and paginated posts. Should you want to start with a clean template, with the tag cloud and pagination turned on, you can grab the code on my git repo here. You can see the demo of that page, here.